Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Update

Well the holidays seem far behind us and I realized that I had not posted since well before that. I guess that these times have a way of getting ahead of us. To look back, we had a great time in Orlando for Christmas! Santa of course found us way down there and everyone had a great time.

Things have started to settle back down now and we are getting back to the routine. We did have a large (for the south) snow two weeks ago that was around 6". The boys enjoyed playing in and I will try to post a couple of pictures. I had forgotten how pretty snow is to look at but annoying to play in. the boys would go out get soaking wet in 10 minutes, I would let them stay out as long as I could, make them come inside, tracking snow all over the place, get them warmed up and by that time they were ready to go out again. It was a long couple of days. Luckily Robin was able to come over the second day and give me break (by break I mean that I got to go to work).

Slepping had gotten much better around here. The boys now go to sleep by themselves, in their own rooms, and sleep until 6. We have come up with a system of a night light on a timer so that the night light goes off at 6. So far they will still wake up around 5, go to the bathroom but then get back in their bed until the light goes off.

While I am bragging, Jakob is doing very well in school his reading is really coming along and his math skills are excellent (I have to admit I probably push the math harder :) this should come as a shock to no one that knows me. Tae is also progressing well ad his speech is constantly improving.

I know that there continue to be a lot of prayers for us. This is the only way that I can explain how we have been able to make it this far. We still have an awesome support group surrounding us. Our little church is still taking good care of us, and my work has been incredibly supportive. Just as an example, I has to go get Tae from school this week and I took him into my office for a little while just to try to get a couple of things done. As I walked in the president of the company was in meeting in his office with the door closed. he noticed Tae and motioned for him to come over. He opened his office and talked to Tae for while and just asked how everything was going and then gave him a stuffed animal to play with. It is really nice to work at a place that does not just give lip service to being 'family friendly'

To sum up things are still going well and God is still good.

1 comment:

Marc & Amy said...

Thanks for the update, Tom! Good idea on the nightlight timer & glad the boys (and you)are getting some sleep! Our family continues to pray together for you, Jakob, & Tae before bed each night. We love you guys!