Saturday, December 6, 2008

Recovering well

Sorry for the long time before posts. Jakob is doing well and seems to be back up to normal speed. He still complains about his stomach hurting but it is only when he thinks about going to school :).

Tae had his birthday party tomorrow at the museum and he is really looking forward to it. Sleeping is going well and that has helped me a lot.

Two good stories to tell, Jakes first:

When my dad took Jake to the hospital he was talking to the dr and he says 'we need to look at surgery.' Jake familiar with the concept of surgery but not the context exclaims 'ON ME????'

Tae story is from before the surgery. When Jake was sick and we were trying to get him to eat and we were listing out all of the things he could eat and as Tae is sitting there shoving his dinner in his mouth aswering to each thing 'I eat it!!, I eat it! I eat it!.'

Well I am tired tonight but wanted to at least give at least a quick update.

More later.

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