Friday, November 21, 2008

hospital Take #...I lost count

Well we are back at the hospital again (Wake Med, one that has not come up in the rotation for a while). Jakob had his appendix taken out last night. He had been complaining of pain after trowing up on monday we we just thought it was a bug. But after an untrasound "just to be sure" he was admitted into the hospital and had surgery last night around 11:00. He has been doing GREAT today and even this morning was getting in and out of the bed by himself and walking to the bathroom. The dr said since it had perferated some to expect to be in the hospital for 5-7 days but I am hoping with the speedy recovery and Jake being so strong it might be less.

My dad was able to come up on Wednesday to help out and my Mom is coming up tonight to help for the weekend.

We are doing well and I will post more as I know more.


John Reeves said...


My name is John Reeves. my wife Ramey died of a brain tumor in July this past summer. We both went to Liberty from 93-97, I am not sure if we knew Shannon or not, but I think my friend Sunshine knew her. Ramey used to sing in different bands, and at the coffee houses at Liberty. If you wouldn't mind shooting me an email, I would like to see how you are doing, and maybe share some experiences. My email is

Tessa said...

Man, I hate to hear that but am glad he is on the mend! Kids are good at bouncing back. I thought about you guys alot over the Thanksgiving weekend; and through those thoughts I realized that despite the last couple of months' events, how much we still have to be thankful for. God is so good to us! I hope Jakob has a super speedy recovery. Next time, I will not be a week behind on the news!